Login Sign Up Forgot Password? Login Male Female Date of Birth Is this your whatsapp number as well? Yes No Use 8 or more characters with a mix of letters, numbers & special characters I Agree to Ovalstars Terms of Use & Privacy Policy Sign Up Global Entertainment Marketplace Real-time Availability Dynamic Pricing System Dedicated Seller Support Why sell with us? How it works? Tremendeous Growth Every business and service provider is now moving towards online selling. It gives ease, reliability and transparency to sellers and your services can be booked 24x7, 365 days from around the world. Your Own E-Commerce Webpage With us, artists will be able to create their own free e-commerce webpage, list their various services & acts and showcase multiple performances and add ons within their acts. Manage Your Services Easily With our availability calender, dynamic pricing system, payments, invoices and reports management system. Multiply Your Earnings By enrolling yourself into promotional sales, you will now have a chance to get multiple bookings around the year. List Our on-boarding specialists will work with you to take your artist's profile live Sell Register artist's acts & services to receive bookings from World's Fastest Growing Global Entertainment Marketplace Execute Our event team will help you with the after booking and execution process Earn Instant payment and seller support to help you grow by leaps and bounds Grow your business with Ovalstars 20 Lakhs + on an average events happen everyday globally 4 Lakhs + on an average events happen everyday in India 15% on an average global entertainment industry is growing annually Seller Benefits Grow & Expand Your Earnings The Full Range Solution Transparency We provide similar profile and service display for all service providers thus giving equal opportunities to everyone to grow as per their skills, talents and price offered. Instant Payment Avoid the hazzle and risk of getting paid at the very last moment. Now get money in your Ovalstars wallet as soon as you confirm your booking. Support At Every Step Get paid support from certified third party professionals for portfolio shoot, content writing, account management, tax management and much more. Smart Listings Customers always choose to book artists, acts or services that have the best relatibility of images, videos and the most accurate descriptions with regards to their event. List multiple niche acts and services as per the event and secure more bookings. Advertise And Get Your Services Noticed With a chance to be visible on Ovalstars homepage as well as on page 1 of Ovalstars searches, banners and targeted ads can help you get noticed and boost your earnings exponentially. Unified Dashboard Easy and intuitive dashboard that simplifies day to day activities. Our simple interface will allow you to easily manage your Ovalstars Seller Account, while we take care of the rest. Calender Management Our flagship artist availablity calender service along with dynamic pricing system will help you to get more bookings at best possible price. Promotions Promote your services through deals, promos and coupons. Entice customers, build trust and get more bookings. Register Yourself On Ovalstars! 1 Create Your Ovalstars Seller Account with your mobile number and e-mail 2 Complete Business KYC by submitting requested documents 3 Register Artist by providing their details and authentication video 4 List Their Acts you can list various acts of the artist as per their talent and event type 5 Welcome aboard your account will be live post documents and details verification. Register BUSINESS Artist Manager Agency First name Last name E-Mail ID E-Mail Id Allready Exists. Enter country code and Mobile Number Country Code AFG 93 ALB 355 DZA 213 ASM 1684 AND 376 AGO 244 AIA 1264 ATG 1268 ARG 54 ARM 374 ABW 297 AUS 61 AUT 43 AZE 994 BHS 1242 BHR 973 BGD 880 BRB 1246 BLR 375 BEL 32 BLZ 501 BEN 229 BMU 1441 BTN 975 BOL 591 BIH 387 BWA 267 BRA 55 246 BRN 673 BGR 359 BFA 226 BDI 257 KHM 855 CMR 237 CAN 1 CPV 238 CYM 1345 CAF 236 TCD 235 CHL 56 CHN 86 61 672 COL 57 COM 269 COG 242 COD 242 COK 682 CRI 506 CIV 225 HRV 385 CUB 53 CYP 357 CZE 420 DNK 45 DJI 253 DMA 1767 DOM 1809 ECU 593 EGY 20 SLV 503 GNQ 240 ERI 291 EST 372 ETH 251 FLK 500 FRO 298 FJI 679 FIN 358 FRA 33 GUF 594 PYF 689 GAB 241 GMB 220 GEO 995 DEU 49 GHA 233 GIB 350 GRC 30 GRL 299 GRD 1473 GLP 590 GUM 1671 GTM 502 GIN 224 GNB 245 GUY 592 HTI 509 VAT 39 HND 504 HKG 852 HUN 36 ISL 354 IND 91 IDN 62 IRN 98 IRQ 964 IRL 353 ISR 972 ITA 39 JAM 1876 JPN 81 JOR 962 KAZ 7 KEN 254 KIR 686 PRK 850 KOR 82 KWT 965 KGZ 996 LAO 856 LVA 371 LBN 961 LSO 266 LBR 231 LBY 218 LIE 423 LTU 370 LUX 352 MAC 853 MKD 389 MDG 261 MWI 265 MYS 60 MDV 960 MLI 223 MLT 356 MHL 692 MTQ 596 MRT 222 MUS 230 269 MEX 52 FSM 691 MDA 373 MCO 377 MNG 976 MSR 1664 MAR 212 MOZ 258 MMR 95 NAM 264 NRU 674 NPL 977 NLD 31 ANT 599 NCL 687 NZL 64 NIC 505 NER 227 NGA 234 NIU 683 NFK 672 MNP 1670 NOR 47 OMN 968 PAK 92 PLW 680 970 PAN 507 PNG 675 PRY 595 PER 51 PHL 63 POL 48 PRT 351 PRI 1787 QAT 974 REU 262 ROM 40 RUS 70 RWA 250 SHN 290 KNA 1869 LCA 1758 SPM 508 VCT 1784 WSM 684 SMR 378 STP 239 SAU 966 SEN 221 381 SYC 248 SLE 232 SGP 65 SVK 421 SVN 386 SLB 677 SOM 252 ZAF 27 ESP 34 LKA 94 SDN 249 SUR 597 SJM 47 SWZ 268 SWE 46 CHE 41 SYR 963 TWN 886 TJK 992 TZA 255 THA 66 670 TGO 228 TKL 690 TON 676 TTO 1868 TUN 216 TUR 90 TKM 7370 TCA 1649 TUV 688 UGA 256 UKR 380 ARE 971 GBR 44 USA 1 1 URY 598 UZB 998 VUT 678 VEN 58 VNM 84 VGB 1284 VIR 1340 WLF 681 ESH 212 YEM 967 ZMB 260 ZWE 263 This Mobile Number is already registered with us. 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