This Acceptable Use Policy ("AUP") applies to the use of any product, service, website or apps provided by Ovalstars Entertainment Private Limited (“Company” “us”), whether we provide it directly or use another party to provide it to you (each, a "Service"). This AUP is designed to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations that apply to the Company. This AUP also protects the interests of all of our Buyers, Seller and our associates, as well as our goodwill and reputation. By using the Service, you are agreeing to these terms. This AUP Policy should be read along with Terms Of Use Policy.

Every User of ours whether Buyer or Seller agrees to abide by this AUP and is responsible for any violations. You are not allowed to assist or engage others in a way that would violate this AUP. We will enforce and ensure compliance with this AUP by using methods we consider to be appropriate, such as complaint and email failure monitoring. We may also suspend or terminate your use of Services pursuant to our Terms of Use Policy for violations of this AUP.

This policy may change as Ovalstars grows and evolves, so please check back regularly for updates and changes. You agree to review the AUP on a regular basis and always remain in compliance.

  1. Reporting Suspected Violations

    We encourage recipients of email messages sent using the Service to report suspected violations of this AUP. Sellers are requested to report any content on the Platform which is deemed to be unlawful, objectionable, libelous, defamatory, obscene, harassing, invasive to privacy, abusive, fraudulent, against any religious beliefs, spam, or is violative of any applicable law to On receiving such report, Ovalstars reserves the right to investigate and/or take such action as the Company may deem appropriate.

  2. Prohibited Actions

    You may not facilitate or allow others to use the Services to:

    1. Do anything in violation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

    2. Launch or facilitate, whether intentionally or unintentionally, a denial-of-service attack on the Services or on any third party

    3. Do Phishing or engaging in identity theft

    4. Pose a security or service risk to the Services, to any user of the Services, to any third-party integrations made available via the Services, or to any third party

    5. Distribute computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or other malicious code

    6. Test or reverse-engineer the Services in order to find limitations, vulnerabilities or evade filtering capabilities

    7. Infringe the intellectual property or other proprietary rights of others

  3. Proper Usage of the Service

    You will respect the limits that apply to your use the Service. In addition, and without limiting the other requirements in this AUP, you may not (directly or indirectly) use the Service with content, or in a manner that:

    • is threatening, abusive, harassing, stalking, or defamatory;

    • is deceptive, false, misleading or fraudulent;

    • is invasive of another's privacy or otherwise violates another’s legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity);

    • contains vulgar, obscene, indecent or unlawful material;

    • uploads files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another person's computer;

    • downloads any file that you know, or reasonably should know, cannot be legally distributed in that way;

    • falsifies or deletes any author attributions, legal or proprietary designations, labels of the origin or source of software, or other material contained in a file that is uploaded;

    • is legally actionable between private parties;

    • is not a good faith use of the service, such as uploading Contacts in excess of your Contact tier, emailing those Contacts and then purging them shortly thereafter; and/or

    • is in violation of any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation.

    • is in violation of any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation.

    • promotes, encourages, or facilitates: hate speech, violence, discrimination based on race, color, sexual orientation, marital status, gender or identity expression, parental status, religion or creed, national origin or ancestry, sex, age, physical or mental disability, veteran status, genetic information, citizenship and/or any other characteristic protected by law.

    • Organizations or individuals who promote, encourage, or facilitate hate speech, violence, discrimination, either through their own content or through distribution of user generated content, are prohibited from using the Service, regardless of whether the Service is used specifically for the prohibited activities. Violation of these standards may result in termination of your use of the Service.

    You will use the Platform and any Services provided for yourself and will not: (i) willfully tamper with the security of the Service or tamper with our buyer/seller accounts; (ii) access data on the Service not intended for you; (iii) log into a server or account on the Service that you are not authorized to access; (iv) attempt to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of any Service or to breach the security or authentication measures without proper authorization; (v) willfully render any part of the Service unusable; (vi) lease, distribute, license, sell or otherwise commercially exploit the Service or make the Service available to a third party other than as contemplated in your subscription to the Service; (vii) use the Service for timesharing or service bureau purposes or otherwise for the benefit of a third party; or (viii) provide to third parties any evaluation version of the Service without our prior written consent.

  4. Restricted Industries

    Some industries have higher than average abuse complaints, which can directly impact our ability to provide the Service to other customers. To protect our customers, we reserve the right to discontinue your use of the Services if you are in one of these industries. Some examples include:

    • Escort and dating services

    • Gambling services or products

    • Selling 'Likes' or followers for a social media platform

    • Any Other Industry declared as illegal by the law of land

  5. Enforcement

    Your services may be suspended or terminated with or without notice upon any violation of this policy. Any violations may result in the immediate suspension or termination of your account.

    We may also suspend your access to your account if you breach this AUP, we may terminate your Terms of Use for cause. You acknowledge we may disclose information regarding your use of any Service to satisfy any law, regulation, government request, court order, subpoena or other legal process. If we make this type of required disclosure we will notify you, unless we are required to keep the disclosure confidential.

    We are not obligated to, but may choose to, remove any prohibited materials and deny access to any person who violates this AUP. We further reserve all other rights.


    OVALSTARS will always make its best endeavours to ensure that the content on its Platform or other sales channels are free of any virus or such other malwares. However, any data or information downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Platform or any other Sales Channel is done entirely at the User's own discretion and risk and they will be solely responsible for any damage to their computer systems or loss of data that may result from the download of such data or information.

    In no event shall the Company be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential damages or any damages what so ever including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in any way connected with the use or performance of this platform/ service, with the delay or inability to use this platform/ service or related services, the provision of or failure to provide services, or for any information, products, services and material obtained through this Platform, or otherwise arising out of the use of this platform/ service, whether based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, even if we or any of its suppliers has been advised of the possibility of damages. If you are dissatisfied with any portion of this platform/service, or with any of these terms of use, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using this platform/service. The foregoing are subject to the laws of the Republic of India and the courts in Surat, Gujarat, India shall have the exclusive jurisdiction on any dispute that may arise out of the use of this Platform. Please proceed only if you accept all the conditions enumerated herein above, out of your free will and consent.